Nitrogen inputs drive nitrogen concentrations in US streams and rivers during summer low flow conditions


Ecological and human health impairments related to excess nitrogen (N) in streams and rivers remain widespread in the United States (U.S.) despite recent efforts to reduce N pollution. Many studies have quantified the relationship between N loads to streams in terms of N mass and N inputs to watersheds; however, N concentrations, rather than loads, are more closely related to impacts on human health and aquatic life. Additionally, concentrations, rather than loads, trigger regulatory responses. In this study, we examined how N concentrations are related to N inputs to watersheds (atmospheric deposition, synthetic fertilizer, manure applied to agricultural land, cultivated biological N fixation, and point sources), land cover characteristics, and stream network characteristics, including stream size and the extent of lakes and reservoirs. N concentration data were collected across the conterminous U.S. during the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s 2008–09 National Rivers and Streams Assessment (n = 1966). Median watershed N inputs were 15.7 kg N ha−1 yr−1. Atmospheric deposition accounted for over half the N inputs in 49% of watersheds, but watersheds with the highest N input rates were dominated by agriculture-related sources. Total N input to watersheds explained 42% and 38% of the variability in total N and dissolved inorganic N concentrations, respectively. Land cover characteristics were also important predictors, with wetland cover muting the effect of agricultural N inputs on N concentrations and riparian disturbance exacerbating it. In contrast, stream variables showed little correlation with N concentrations. This suggests that terrestrial factors that can be managed, such as agricultural N use practices and wetland or riparian areas, control the spatial variability in stream N concentrations across the conterminous U.S.

Science of the Total Environment 639: 1349-1359